Back in the day the college paper had a section called “Ask Joe Random” or “Ask Jane Random” in which a student was profiled with mind bending questions like:
Do you prefer to stay out or go in?
Do you watch Road Rules or The Real World?
Life or death people. Life or death.
I always wanted to be chosen. Everyone always wanted to be chosen. The writers were good and the interviews were very funny.
When I decided to start a blog to share my monkiness amongst the web I decided to use AKA Jane Random as my blog name to fulfill my Jane Random dreams.
Why start a blog?
Have you seen my laundry pile?
It’s scary. For real, I’m thinking of naming it. And let’s face it: It needs to be avoided at all costs.
Therefore I blog.
Because procrastinating while blogging is way more fun that just procrastinating. And because the laundry pile grows and is ever present…
I blog a whole heck of a lot.
Me in a nutshell? So glad you asked.
I’m a Christ follower…
An extrovert that operates at level 1000…
A traveller…
An Auburn Fan…
A wanna be runner…
A laid back wife and Mom…
Darn it, I do love the ellipsis…
From this:
To this:
See! I totally turned out fine. Well, fineish.
Oh, keep your opinions to yourself.