Well, like the rest of you we watched the AFC and NFC championship this weekend. So, yeah sports and all that. While we’re on the subject of football can we chat about this ridiculous conversation I had with Hank last fall? Hank was in the midst of watching a game when I walked thru the room. I stopped walking when I realized that a woman, Beth Mowins, was on the the broadcast. Now she wasn’t just doing the sideline reporting she was full scale commentating – the play by play even. And she was good! Y’all, I kinda had a moment. I was feeling all empowered and proud and, go women, and I wondered if Hank even thought anything about it so I asked him.
Here was the conversation that ensued:
Me: “Does it bother you that a woman is commentating?”
Him: “Yes. She can’t possibly know as much as a man would.”
Me: “How can your twelve year old self possibly know how much she knows? The game just started!”
Him: “I just know a man would know more.”
Breathe, breathe, breathe calmly…Then I decided to take the conversation further.
Me: “Would it bother you to have a woman preacher?”
Him: “No. Why would would it bother me if a woman was preaching?!”
Me: “So a woman can know as much as she needs to know about the God who formed the universes to preach but not as much as she needs to know about the game of football to commentate?”
Him: “Yep. I mean Mom, she hasn’t played so how can she be knowledgeable about it?”
Me: “I haven’t done heroin but I’m pretty sure it’s bad. If you don’t like her style of reporting then just say that – but don’t say it’s because she is a woman. I mean, Hank, in the nicest sense of the words: you’re wrong.”
I mean…where to even begin on this. Like – he was incredulous at me for asking if a woman could preach. He couldn’t fathom why that wouldn’t be a thing. His demeanor was one of ‘duh Mom, of course a woman could preach’ but drop football knowledge?
This is also the kid that said having to return to school after Christmas break ‘felt like a turnover on downs.’ So, there ya go.
He’ll start his fourth season of playing football next year. And, yes, I’m concerned about CTE. Especially when I read that they are starting to think it comes from repeated hits and not concussions. Sheesh…
These boys…
Let’s just all play basketball, okay? Sweet, gentle, nice basketball. Or maybe you people should just become artists.
Dang, the Google Arts and Culture app does Hank better than Hank does Hank.
Yes, artists. Maybe football artists, mkay? Like the ones that sell their work at Auburn Art. Sigh. That boy. As if Beth Mowins doesn’t have to deal with enough business from grown ups she’s got twelve year olds critiquing her.
Well, I’m just chalking Hank’s opinion on women in the broadcast booth up to immaturity and not bad parenting. Now us letting him play football when we know about CTE – yeah, that’s probably bad parenting.